An aerial view of South Trinidad, potential area for development?
Trinidad as we know it today is a country that focuses on development "per say" but more on the Port of Spain "Urban area" and other major city dwellings. The picture above was taken by myself during a tour of Southern Trinidad on a helicopter a few months ago. This area represents a school isolated within a developing village of San Pedro the area in which I live. Living in this area we all are faced with isolation and the closest city to us is Rio Claro (Some 5-8Km away). I believe there is potential for development that would one day enhance the lives of many in my community and make the area a better place, one that could be of good quality housing and social facilities and enforces social mixing which would build a better community and place to live. “In great cities, spaces as well as places are designed and built: walking, witnessing, being in public, are as much part of the design and purpose as is being inside to eat, sleep, make shoes or love or music. The word citizen has to do with cities, and the ideal city is organized around citizenship -- around participation in public life.” Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust: A History of Walking. The picture above also illustrates the area but at a higher elivation level to show the settlement parterns in the area.
It's wonderful that you had a helicopter tour! You should share more of that experience with us!